Weighting for Christmas!


It’s not just Christmas day that can cause weight gain. The weeks beforehand leading up to it are the biggest culprits. Our best intentions will be significantly challenged by events such as work celebrations, prize giving’s and parties. Inevitably offerings of beers, bubbles and burgers will test anyone’s resolve to maintain a clean, lean and healthy diet. This is because Christmas and food go hand in hand, but there is hope! Here are some Christmas tips:

Tip 1:     Chew your food! - Eating slowly inhibits the release of hormones from the digestion helping you to feel full and not overeat.

Tip 2:     Never go to a party hungry – Have a protein or fibre snack before you go – this will help you feel fuller for longer.

 Tip 3:     Go alcohol free from time to time – Not terribly hard to do with the current driving laws - sharing the sober driving can help here. It is also reasonably common to go to a party and find an alcohol free option such as juice, soda water or other such beverages. They are also less kilojoule filled.

Tip 4:     Bring a vegetable or fruit tray - Bring something that you can eat an unlimited amount of so you won't go hungry or risk binging. Add in some hummus dip and you have a healthy snack.

 Tip 5:     Give it away -  Don't keep leftovers lying around, especially the sugary carb filled kind. Donate the excess to anyone who wants to take home the rest of those brandy snaps or pavlova (For us it is our kids who are now living independently).

Tip 6:     Socialise differently - Instead of meeting at cafés and restaurants how about meeting your friends/family for a walk.

Tip 7:     Don’t beat yourself up if you over indulge – Lastly, once in a while, indulging is actually ok. If you know you have eaten and drunk too much – it is not the end of the world! Just know that tomorrow is another day where you can take up the good fight once more!



All bound for “morning town” many miles away


Loss and grief - A path we all fear to tread (but will do it anyway)