Our Blogs And Case Studies
Your guide to herbal wellness and natural healing
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Silent night – all is bright?
Christmas time is a wonderful time of year! An exciting time!
Finding the Unseen: Beyond the Clinical Spectrum
"Invisible illness" is a term used to describe medical conditions or diseases that are not easily apparent to others, particularly by just looking at a person.
All bound for “morning town” many miles away
Ernest Hemmingway once said “I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?”
Weighting for Christmas!
It’s not just Christmas day that can cause weight gain. The weeks beforehand leading up to it are the biggest culprits.
Loss and grief - A path we all fear to tread (but will do it anyway)
Grief is universal. At some point in everyone’s life, there will be something that will change your world completely and have you needing to rethink how to move on from here.
Case Studies
Bella is a 20 year old young lady who came to DP Herbals 2 years ago recovering from Glandular fever which she had the year before. As a result her immunity was poor and she was constantly sick requiring antibiotics. She was in her last year of school and was studying for assignments and exams. This ongoing pressure made her feel tired and flat. Bella typically suffered from ongoing tonsillitis, sinusitis and sore painful glands especially when she felt stressed. Her stomach was also not feeling good at this time. She was experiencing:
- Lowered immunity
- Sinusitis
- Tonsilitis
- Digestive problems
- Poor stamina and lowered energy
- Stress
What we did:
- Increased her protein intake and made overall suggestions around specific nutrients to support stress and study.
- Replaced iron, antioxidants and other vital nutrients required to rebuild her immunity and stamina.
- Prescribed herbs and probiotics to support her digestive tract
- As her energy improved we have started to work on strengthening her adrenal glands and continue to support her immunity.
Over the next two years Bella graduated, worked part time and then started University. Her energy has markedly improved and she feels so much better. Bellas immunity continues to be a struggle but she now understands that when she is rundown because of too much work or stress she is likely to get sore throats and sinusitis. She is currently on a good multivitamin and fish oils to maintain her health.

Live blood analysis taken during September 2011 shows widespread inflammation and low iron levels. Hemaview showing smaller than normal sized red blood cells and red blood cell clumping.

Live blood analysis taken during November 2013 shows Bella now has minimal inflammation and her iron levels have markedly improved.
What she thinks:
“Before the start of my herbal medication, I was constantly feeling tired with low energy and catching every cold and flu that was going around. From having glandular fever, fatigue was an ongoing problem that began to effect my immune system, later resulting in a sinus infection and re-occurring tonsillitis. Antibiotics were given to aid all my problems which unfortunately caused some further problems, which made me question whether these prescriptions were taking care of my body or doing more damage to other aspects of my health. I went to seek help at DP Herbals where I was put on natural remedies that significantly improved my immune system, chronic fatigue and long list of other things that were making me feeling low. Various samples of my blood were taken over a number of months where significant changes could be seen. I now feel like I have the energy and liveliness of a young 20 year old adult and no longer feeling that I’m reaching retirement!”
Phil is a 37-year-old male who came to DP Herbals for help with fertility. He and his wife were trying for another baby and decided to have some preconception care. Phil was aware that he was carrying too much weight and was currently on the weight watchers plan. Phil was a workforce planner in a stressful position as manager which was a sedentary position. His exercise consisted of exercycle which he did ½ an hour twice a week and was a regular player of Xbox. He was a hands-on father with his 3 year old daughter. Phil and his wife had been to the fertility clinic prior to her birth. It was decided with the consult that Phil needed a weight reduction plan. He had been tired with energy described as being 3/10. Once a month he got a headache and when he got sick his glands came up.
His diet consisted of highly refined foods such as rice, munchos, pasta and diet coke.
He was experiencing:
- Fertility problems and difficulty in conceiving
- Low energy and fatigue
- Poor fitness level (short of breath on exertion)
- Regular headaches
- Weight = 131.4kg - much too heavy for Phils build and height
What we did:
- Improved his nutritional status by supplementing antioxidants and nutritional supplementation
- Herbs were used to improve fat loss
- Specific nutrients and herbs were used to improve sperm numbers and motility
- Started him on a ketogenic diet (no refined carbs, increased protein) to increase lean muscle mass and decrease fat. Encouraged gradual increase in cardio exercise each week
- Weekly monitoring of his progress. After 8 weeks and 17kg’s of fat loss Phil and his wife fell pregnant! Phil continued his weight loss diet and exercise for a total of 10 months. He enjoyed the way he felt and lost a total of 41kg at the time of his last weigh in. However, Phil had his own goals and continued forward to compete in marathons and last I heard he was in training for a duathlon!

Live blood analysis taken during July 2012 shows the red blood cells are clumped (erythrocyte aggregation) and do this when there is excessive inflammation. Excessive fat tissue is inflammatory. Lack of exercise and poor food choices also serve to increase inflammation throughout the body. Some red blood cells also have circles (amniocytes) present inside them indicating dehydration.

Live blood analysis taken during October 2012 shows the red blood cells are now floating freely. There are less inflammatory chemicals in the blood causing stickiness. Amniocytes are no longer present indicating diet and hydration has improved.
What he thinks:
I went to Deidre with a number of health-related issues related to being overweight. With her help I have lost close to 50kgs and I feel like a new person. I am so much more active now and have completed a number of 10km runs and I'm now training for my first half marathon something I never thought possible a year ago. Deidre put me at ease from my first visit with her friendly demeanour and has helped motive me to set and achieve my goals.
Deidre I just wanted to say Thank you so much.
Geoff is a 45-year-old man who is part of the management team in a very busy international corporation. When he came to DP Herbals, he was feeling very tired and fatigued. His energy levels were at best a 4/10 each day, coming down to a 2/10 by the days end – he summed himself up as exhausted. He thought his immunity may have been down as he seemed to catch most colds going around the office and usually got the flu every second year. He liked to exercise and enjoyed dancing twice a week. Geoff lived a fairly healthy life although diet was an issue as he lived on his own and sometimes didn’t eat as well (or as regularly) as he would have liked. Geoff didn’t recognise any gut problems when asked. He initially wanted better health and to find some balance in his everyday life.
He was experiencing:
- Generalised lethargy and decreased stamina
- In the winter months would get a dry and itchy skin
- Sinus issues
- Was feeling more stressed than usual
- Poor immunity
What we did:
- Improved the quality of his cells initially by giving top quality supplements such as iron, fish oils and magnesium so that he could receive some much needed energy.
- When Geoff felt more energetic we had him take an allergy screening panel which identified a major intolerance to gluten and whey as well as a moderate one to eggs. Diet was modified and Geoff eliminated these foods for 6 months.
- A careful herbal detox was utilised to help support the body to release toxins without taxing an already fragile immune system.
- Diagnostic blood work was taken regarding Vitamin D a level which is a hormone in charge of regulating the immune system. This was very low. Vitamin D replenishment given at therapeutic dosages.
Ongoing follow up and support

Live blood analysis taken during January 2013 shows he was inflamed and lacked nutrition. Red blood cells which appear to have glowing half circles in their centre are called annulocytes. When they appear in this way it indicates dehydration and/or a lack of iron. The clumping of the red blood cells indicate inflammation and is called erythrocyte aggregation.

Live blood analysis taken during February 2014 shows a dramatic change in the blood. Cells are hydrated and floating independently of each other. A much more healthy reading.
What he thinks:
In the lead up to Christmas 2012 I felt completely drained with some mornings being a real mission to get up. Working as a manager in a fast passed company the stress had been slowly building over several years and this combined with the passing of my mother after a long illness had finally taken their toll. Initially I thought a good break over Christmas was all I needed but after three weeks leave, I still felt the same.
During my first visit Deirdre professionally covered every aspect of my life and what had been leading up to this point. By the time I left I was confident that she knew what was going on and how to get my energy levels back to normal. Over the coming months Deirdre used her expertise and skill to restore my health and energy levels so I can now cope with life’s stresses. During the journey Deirdre was very informative about the entire process and explained what we were doing and why. Thanks for getting my life back Deirdre.
Mana is a 41-year-old man who has a key role in a busy corporation, has a young family and is actively involved in his community and culture. In 2012 he was admitted into hospital feeling very unwell with weakness in his muscles and not being able to walk very well. It was finally diagnosed as being Guillian Barre syndrome (GBS). GBS is a rare disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the nervous system. It is believed to be preceded by a viral or bacterial infection which causes the immune system to attack the protective coating of the nerves. The first symptoms of this disorder include varying degrees of weakness or tingling sensations in the legs. However, these symptoms can increase in intensity until certain muscles cannot be used at all and, when severe, the person is almost totally paralyzed.
The disorder can be life threatening - potentially interfering with breathing and unfortunately this was the case with Mana. DP Herbals became involved when he recovered enough to start rehabilitation in another hospital, early October 2012.
In this case study Mana should be the one to tell you his story, here it is:
In late August 2012, I was admitted to hospital with Guillen Barre Syndrome (GBS) a rare condition that attacks the immune system and in many cases, leaves the patient in a paralysed state requiring life support. As a result of contracting GBS I spent 21 days in ICU on life support and a total of two months recovering and relearning to swallow, talk, perform fine motor skills like push buttons, roll over, sit-up and finally walk. At the beginning of my recovery period at Burwood Hospital I was introduced to Deidre from family friends.
Deirdre was a massive help, not only did she have a lot of knowledge about the right mix of herbal supplements and foods to assist with my recovery. She also had a working knowledge of the medical profession and was able to demystify the treatment and medicines doctors prescribed me. This was a great help for me and my family, she was able to break down the medical jargon and empowered us to set appropriate expectations and ask the right types of questions.
When I met Deirdre, I was not able to sit up by myself and I had just re-learnt to swallow and was only able to eat mushy foods. I was on a lot of medication. Deidre assessed my situation and supported the medical profession by providing various supplements and foods to my diet. Immediately I noticed an improvement to my energy levels and overall health. I invited Deirdre to my hospital meeting where they design a plan for my treatment and target a discharge date. Deirdre was present with the discussions and when I announced the target date I planned to leave, the medical staff were sceptical. However Deirdre believed that I could do it. Over the next 6 weeks Deidre visited me and provided advice and various supplements to assist me in my recovery. We became good friends. BTW, I discharged on my target date. ;-)
I always find when reading references, I look for real facts and figures to back up statements like ‘Without Deirdre’s help, I would never have recovered so quickly!’ So here are the facts from when I started treatment with Deirdre:
- Week 1 – Been in hospital for 6 weeks – (21 days in ICU) – Not able to sit-up by myself – low energy levels, required to be pushed around in the wheelchair
- Week 2 – Able to sit-up, able to drive motorised wheelchair and visit Gym for rehab
- Week 3 – Able to transfer to manual chair and push myself to the gym, muscles getting stronger and endurance really improving.
- Week 4 – Able to stand now and make a couple of steps
- Week 5 - Using walking frames, passing fitness tests in gym and progressing quickly to walking stick
- Week 6 – Able to walk unassisted and ran 1 km in the gym
- Week 7 - Beginning of week discharged from hospital
- Week 9 – Started back at work part time
- Week 16 – Back to work full time
- Week 18 – Performed Kapa Haka in the front row at the Te Matatini 2013 (National Kapa Haka Championships)
Talking with different staff at Burwood they all said that they had never seen anyone recover as fast as I did with my condition and severity. It is also important to note that by the time I left the hospital I had reduced my meds significantly and was down to minor pain relief medicines. I feel I can attribute the fast recovery and reduction of meds to the carefully crafted diet of herbal supplements which Deidre prescribed during my recovery.
Deirdre you’re a star, thank you for all your help!
Tino mihi kia koe Deidre
Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi - With your basket and my basket the people will live
Na Manawanui Parata
What we did:
- Worked alongside conventional medicine to help improve his symptoms and increase his energy so he could rehab more easily. Attended the hospital meetings with the family.
- Acted as a resource for his family and offered support to them.
- Prescribed some key nutritional supplements to improve his cellular energy such as magnesium, CoQ10 and a high strength B vitamin complex. High dose fish oils were also given to decrease inflammation and give nervous system support.
- Herbs were prescribed to strengthen his nervous system and adrenals
- Completely changed his diet from hospital food to one that was full of protein, fruits, vegetables and organic whole grains. His family bought in regularly food from home such as soups etc.
Over his time at rehabilitation Mana worked very hard and his vitality improved. He had energy and stamina throughout the day and he was discharged soon afterwards.
Three months on, Mana was working nearly full time, running 5km (3x a week), swimming 1 km (1x a week) and was also lifting weights. His motivation was to be picked to be part of a Kapa Haka group which would represent the south island in the National Kapa Haka competition (to which he qualified).

Mana’s blood is not looking too bad considering the severity of his disease. Here we see lots of fibrin clusters showing that the liver is stressed and working quite hard at the moment. The medications and treatments that he required when he was ill were hard on the liver. He also had jaundice when he was in ICU indicating that the liver was not coping very well at that time. Fibrin is an inflammatory protein excreted by the liver and can make the blood sticky.
There were no other follow up live blood analysis done with Mana but Mana came several times after discharge for follow up and support. Eventually it was clear that he was coping well, his immune system was becoming more and more robust and he was enjoying good dietary habits so it was no longer necessary to see him as often.
Grant is a 52-year-old gentleman who came to DP Herbals with gut issues, allergies (hay fever, sinus) and mood fluctuations. These symptoms had been going on for many years. He also had a genetic disorder called alpha antitrypsin deficiency leaving him with mild liver damage as an adult. Appetite was always poor in the morning and certain foods such as bread and oats used to make him nauseated. Most junk food made him feel sick, but he constantly craved (and binged) on sugar. Pain was also worsening in his upper gastric region with burning going through to his shoulder blades. Grant had very low energy, didn’t exercise and would fall asleep regularly at 4pm in the afternoon. He was intolerant, stressed and his anxiety levels were very high. As a consequence, he needed to take a break from his job to cope.
He was experiencing:
- Poor digestion and pain
- Nausea
- Consistently craving junk food
- High levels of stress and anxiety
- Chronic sinusitis and hay fever
- Decreased stamina and lowered energy
What we did:
- Allergy screening panel to identify if there were any foods causing his symptoms and created a diet plan that he was to adhere to for a number of months. This was key!
- Replaced vital nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals that were needed to give him energy.
- Utilised herbs and probiotics to improve his digestive system including digestive enzymes.
- Helped him to detox using herbs and supplements.
- Gave herbs to help regulate his nervous system.
The combination of herbs, diet and supplements helped decrease his allergies.
Over the next 18 months Grants health gradually improved. Once we discovered he had a severe intolerance to milk, gluten and eggs Grant was assisted in modifying his diet. He no longer craved the sugary carbs in evening. He is calmer and relaxed. He is now attending a gym and with his new found energy he no longer sleeps at 4pm. Allergies have also improved. Grant no longer has pain in his stomach, digestion has improved and the best thing of all he has gone back to work!

Live blood analysis taken during November shows circles within the red blood cell (anulocytes) indicates a lack of either iron or most likely dehydration. This is often seen in the blood where there is increased toxicity and lack of cellular nutrition.

Live blood analysis taken during the following February shows that the blood is much more hydrated and red blood cells look larger indicating the cells are finally getting better nutrition. Cloud like clusters called fibrin indicates inflammation. Grant is recently having back pain and suffering some arthritic pain.
What he thinks:
Since first meeting with Deirdre, I have had blood tests which have identified intolerances to a number of food ingredients used widely in the Western diet. Removal of these foods from my diet has resulted in the reduction or complete remission of symptoms which have plagued me for years. These symptoms include: Reflux, diarrhoea, headaches, depression, sinusitis, hay fever, arthritic pain, loss of libido, anxiety, and general irritability (bad temper).
I can thoroughly recommend Deirdre’s analytical processes, her endearing personal manner, and her perspicacity. She employs all of these to help with symptoms that aren’t so out of left field as you might imagine.
Christina is a 44-year-old lady who has always had a problem with her digestion ever since she can remember. As a child she had terrible pains in her stomach but seemed to grow out of it at 8 years of age. She also had childhood eczema which cleared later on as she entered teenaged years. Her stomach is fine if she does not eat certain foods such as tomatoes and sometimes eggs which she tries to avoid when she can. If she does eat them she has an upset stomach later on in the day and will have loose bowel motions that afternoon. However bowels can be loose for no reason and she could go 3 times a day and other times her bowels would open once every second day. Her stress levels can be high with her work which seems to impact on her digestion.
What Christina has also noticed is that she has become more reactive over time. Whereas, she used to be able to have any foods without any problems she is noticing more gut symptoms appearing when she eats and terrible bloating at the end of the day – a whole dress size. On top of that her energy is low and her immune system is not as robust as it used to be catching every cold that goes around the office.
He was experiencing:
- Alternating bowel habits
- Bloating
- Worsening symptoms to more and more foods
- Low energy
- Foggy brain
- Poor immunity
What we did:
- Prescribed a generalised bowel detox which removes parasitic overload, toxins and improves the function of the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system. This took 6 weeks.
- Given supplements such as iron, B12 and folate to restore the deficit in nutrition that had occurred over a long period.
- Repaired and soothed the digestive lining of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Christina then took an allergy screening panel and it found that she was intolerant to gluten, dairy and eggs. Tomatoes were only mildly showing up as a problem but she could also have salicylate intolerance which would not show up. Diet was modified and removal of these foods will be for 6 months.
Ongoing follow up and support.

Live blood analysis taken during November 2013 shows that red blood cells have clumped together (erythrocyte aggregation) and a few appear to have lights inside them indicating that they are deflated either due to dehydration or lack of iron. The red blood cells also seem to be different sizes. This slide shows nutritional deficits and inflammation.

Live blood analysis taken during January 2014 shows red blood cells are looking a better size and there is less erythrocyte aggregation. At the time of this reading Christine was nearly finished her bowel detox and we were awaiting the results of the allergy screening panel. The golden sparkly cell at the bottom of the slide is called an eosinophil. It indicates parasitic activity or allergy.
What she thinks:
When I first came to Deirdre I never thought that I was quite as bad as I was but when I saw my blood (amazing!) I knew I needed to change. Deirdre told me that my foggy brain and stomach problems could be helped and they have been. It’s been great as I have become regular and my energy has improved. My allergy screening panel results gave me some direction on what I can and can’t eat, which has been hard but worth it. I have lost weight and I am feeling much more peaceful at work. I recommend seeing Deirdre if you have a problem, she listens and really tries to get the best results for you. Her medical background is a bonus. Thank you so much Deirdre!