Hemaview™ (Live Blood Screening)
“Look deep inside and you will understand everything better ”
Hippocrates would have loved Hemaview! He was the ultimate herbal hero in my view and yet also was well known as being the father of modern medicine. Revered for his ethical standards in medical practice he argued that disease was not a punishment inflicted by the gods but rather the product of environmental factors, diet, and living habits. All along his medicine was humble and passive, believing in "the healing power of nature".
Enter live blood analysis or Hemaview. This science is derived from medical haematology which of course is not new. The exciting thing is that the information you can gain from Hemaview can determine your current state of wellness meaning that you finally have a proactive and preventative assessment tool. By looking at the blood and it is currently behaving in its environment (both white and red blood cells) we can determine things such as inflammation, oxidation, liver stress, nutrition and how the immune system is coping. Every Hemaview comes with a full report 4-5 pages long. Hippocrates would have been fascinated as I am sure you will be too!
If you want to know more about Hemaview please contact us using the Contact Form or check out our introductory video here.
The Hemaview test uses only one or two drops of blood from a small finger-prick. This is used to gather vital information about the health and status of your blood cells.
The practitioner will assess the blood cells under the microscope. You will be able to see the same on a monitor whilst the practitioner can explain the findings.
With Hemaview the practitioner will be able to develop an individualised treatment targeted specifically to client needs. Implementing the recommended changes, clients generally will be able to visually see the improvements in their blood.